National ordinance 1903a3 failure
National ordinance 1903a3 failure

These three works, being the most clearly indicative of the Philippine revolutionary leadership’s continuing efforts to grasp the particularities of the Philippine revolution, therefore belong together. If Philippine Society and Revolution, with its class analysis of Philippine history, provided the foundations for a Marxist-Leninist interpretation of Philippine society and its basis in the past and if Specific Characteristics of our People’s War is a brilliant contribution to the understanding of the particularities of the Philippine revolution and therefore of great significance in the development of the strategy and tactics suited to the waging of a revolutionary war in an archipelagic country like the Philippines, Our Urgent Tasks identifies the specific tasks of Filipino revolutionaries in overthrowing the US-Marcos dictatorship - the most violent expression of neo-colonial rule - towards the realization of the people’s democratic revolution and the achievement of socialism. Our Urgent Tasks first appeared in the first issue of the Party’s theoretical publication, Rebolusyon (Revolution), on July 1, 1976. This edition of Amado Guerrero’s Philippine Society and Revolution includes, in addition to his Specific Characteristics of Our People’s War, the long essay entitled Our Urgent Tasks which was prepared by him for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines. Perspective of the Philippine Revolution.Basic Tasks of the People’s Democratic Revolution.The Basic Alliance and the National United Front.Basic Character of the Philippine Revolution.The Political Power of the Landlord Class.Basic Forms of Exploitation in the Countryside.

national ordinance 1903a3 failure

The Extent of Feudal and Semifeudal Exploitation.Land Retention Limits and Bogus Expropriation.Bogus Independence and the Unequal Treaties.The Reestablishment of the Communist Party of the Philippines.The Present Puppet Republic of the Philippines.The People’s Struggle Against Japanese Imperialism.The People Upon the Coming of the Spanish Colonialists.Specific Characteristics of Our People’s War.

national ordinance 1903a3 failure

But we also hope to add our own victory to those of others and make some worthwhile contribution to the advancement of Marxism-Leninism and the world proletarian revolution so that in the end mankind will be freed from the scourge of imperialism and enter the era of communism. We do not merely take advantage of the victories achieved abroad so that we may succeed in our own revolution.

national ordinance 1903a3 failure

Integrating Marxist-Leninist theory with Philippine practice is a two-way process. Footnotes in the main body taken from a different source which was also a 4th edition digital copy. Preface footnotes from online version numbering 15 in total are missing from the online version. Note: Proofreader’s notes were included in the online manuscript that this page copied from. Provided freely by the Communist Party of the Philippines. Source: Philippine Revolution, (archived March 17, 2012) Ĭopyright: No specific copyrights. Written by: Amado Guerrero (Jose Maria Sison) Amado Guerrero Philippine Society and Revolution Fourth Edition 1968

National ordinance 1903a3 failure